
Alicia Dariana Mathiu
Andrei-Gheorghe Racolța


Libraries remained preeminently public spaces. The internet’s proliferation and the interference of the virtual space into the real public one led to the Mediatheques’ birth, as an alternative to traditional libraries. A counteraction consists of library arrangements in nonconforming places, attractive by the uniqueness of their ambient, but these still address to a niche sector. A dual library equipped both with printed book stands and multimedia support, attractive and interactive, arranged in a nonconforming place, having a well-established theme can become an attractor in the public space through its enlarged addressability.


How to Cite

Mathiu, A. D., & Racolța, A.-G. (2018). Libraries in conforming and nonconforming places. Journal of Architecture, Urbanism and Heritage, 1(1), 16-23. Retrieved from http://www.jauh.upt.ro/index.php/JAUH/article/view/15


[1] R. Coravu, ”Scurt istoric al evolutiei bibliotecii universitare”, in Buletinul Fundatiei Urechia nr 11/2000, pp. 30
[2] the Greek biblos = book and theke = chest
[3] PAPYRUS, papyruses, n.s. Aquatic herbaceous plant with stems made of membranous sheeting, which grows mostly in the Nile Delta and in Central Africa (Cyperus papyrus)
[4] Parchment, scrolls, n.s. Skin (sheep, calf etc.) processed especially to write on it, used in the past instead of paper. ( http://dexonline.ro/ )
[5] R. Coravu, ”Scurt istoric al evolutiei bibliotecii universitare”, in Buletinul Fundatiei Urechia no. 11/2000, pp. 31
[6] A. Racolţa, Sincretism vizual și sonor în ritmurile arhitecturale, Editura Eurostampa, Timișoara, 2013, pp.153-154
[7] http://www.archdaily.com/256525/liyuan-li-brary-li-xiaodong-atelier/