
Ioana Cotuna
Povian Cristina Maria


The paper presents an elaborate study on the refunctionalization and reintroduction of the old interwar buildings in the Banat area into the public space, preserving the spirit of the place and the old cultural, architectural and the interior design values promoted through them. At the same time, it presents a proposal of interior arrangement on the palace from Căpâlnaș, which highlights the emblematic activities for which the palace was noted, namely the collection of butterflies and insects of Count Teleki, along with a library area and their passion for music, as well as new methods of intervention on the interior spaces that highlight the existing architectural elements or bring back to life those destroyed during the communist or post-communist period.


How to Cite

Cotuna, I., & Cristina Maria, P. (2020). Restoring the spirit of the place in the old inter-war buildings,refunctionalized in the communist and post-communist period. Journal of Architecture, Urbanism and Heritage, 3(1), 33-44. Retrieved from http://www.jauh.upt.ro/index.php/JAUH/article/view/38


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