
Carla Stoian Strubert


The proposed hypothesis of remodelling public spaces in airports, such as the example of an airport Holo Café & Bistro with Lounge is aiming beyond the creation of a successful dining environment per se, but is rather targeting behavioural change and travelers’ education, as well as producing a social space in order to evoke a humanizing travel experience. Last but not least, one of the desirable side effects of designing with the above in mind would hopefully be hinting towards the fact that the current hectic, queuing oriented airport spaces can become history, opening the gates for a positive and conscious experiential travel.


How to Cite

Stoian Strubert, C. (2020). Remodelling airport public spaces. Journal of Architecture, Urbanism and Heritage, 3(2), 23-34. Retrieved from http://www.jauh.upt.ro/index.php/JAUH/article/view/40


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