
Emanuel Tamas
Anca-Iulia Tac


The present article studies the provisions of the projects and programs for the extra-urban area of ​​Orăștioara de Sus, Hunedoara county, with the purpose of drawing up the Local Urbanization Regulation related to the General Urbanistic Plan of the commune. The research approach identifies and delimits from the topographic point of view the space under investigation, from the point of view of the relation between the natural (relief, vegetation, fauna) and the anthropic (rich architectural, archaeological and historical heritage), gathered in the common, unifying concept , of the cultural landscape. After an analysis of the similarities and differences existing in these documents, the measures that can be included in the urban plan through their regulatory character are concluded.

The regulation and organization of the space through the General Urban Plan has the purpose of identifying, harmonizing and highlighting the elements of the natural and cultural heritage, together with the anthropic potential of the area, so as to ensure the full harmony of man with nature.


How to Cite

Tamas, E., & Tac, A.-I. (2020). Measures for the regulation of surfaces outside of built-up areas. Case study: Orăștioara de Sus, Hunedoara County. Journal of Architecture, Urbanism and Heritage, 3(2), 61-72. Retrieved from http://www.jauh.upt.ro/index.php/JAUH/article/view/52


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